How was it built ?This view applies to a "Panel" annotation, it uses its snapshot, and its content (both the "origin" and the "text" attributes, and their french coounterparts). If the panel is related to some "Shot" annotations using the "Related shot" relations, then these shots are presented.
What is this view ?This view presents a snapshot image for the panel, the transcription of the textual content of the panel and its origin (narrator, character, etc.). The french translation of the textual content is also presented, and, if relevant, links to the shots the panel is about.
Panel information

"-Notice- To halt the spread of the plague, the Burgmaster of Bremen forbids the citizens of this city to bring their sick to the " (Public Notice)
"-Declaration- Pour enrayer la propagation de la peste, le Bourgmestre de Breme interdit aux citoyens de cette cite d'apporter leurs morts a" (Declaration publique)